Babypoom birth kitty

Are you looking forward to a special event? Do you have a long list of things to buy and want to get your loved ones involved? Instead of sending out that list, think about a birth kitty. That way, everyone can contribute and give a little of their love. It's the perfect way to give your baby a great baby gift. 

A fine tradition to perpetuate

Like the birth gift, the birth kitty is a tradition in many cultures. For the parents, it's a way of cutting back on expenses and preparing for the birth in the best possible way. For relatives, it's an act of kindness. In popular belief, it's a wish, a mark of goodwill and welcome. 

In the past, a birth basket was offered instead. This was to contain five gifts, including bread, honey, salt, a match and an egg. Each of these items has a special meaning: 

  • bread: to call forth abundance;
  • honey: to ensure that baby's life is "honeyed", i.e. happy, full of happiness and that the sweetness and beauty of the world attach themselves to him; 
  • salt: to sanctify the baby and its birth;  
  • the match: to make him a brave and upright person; 
  • the egg: to call wealth to baby, even spiritual abundance. 

A birth kitty for baby's arrival 

Nowadays, the idea of giving a basket remains. The container has been replaced to meet the material needs of the parents and the newborn child. Some people prefer to send a list to their loved ones. It includes a listing of all the necessities: stroller, clothes, changing table and so on. But instead of offering such things, we participate in the checkout. Everything is focused on the baby, because he or she is the main recipient.  

So, even if the birth gift is still in vogue, you can just as easily choose a kitty. It can also be compared to a birth book, because its main purpose is to immortalize this date. This photo album dedicated to baby's first days on earth can, however, be included in the list for the kitty. Instead of photos and writings, you buy something more useful. 

In other words, the gifts will be in kind. You'll receive cash in your bank account. The kitty will end a few weeks before the birth to give the parents time to do the shopping. Your friends can buy the item directly and send it to you. It's up to you! All you have to do is specify it on your account. But normally, a kitty is more of an online cash pool. 

cagnotte de naissance arrivée bébé

Helping future parents prepare 

The kitty is a direct aid for parents. It's also a way of bringing loved ones, families, friends or colleagues together around a common interest. You could say it's an invitation to their loved ones. Taking part in this joint event means that guests are also important in their family life. After all, a newborn baby is always a happy event. The aim is to help the parents have everything they need for the birth, and to lighten their expenses. 

In fact, the kitty is just a variation on the famous baby shower organized by mothers before giving birth. Family and friends organize a so-called baby shower to congratulate the new mother and bring gifts for her and her baby. This allows her to have a number of childcare items, so she doesn't have to buy any more. You could even say it's a combination of basket, gifts and party all rolled into one. 

Preparing for a birth fund

birth kitty future parents baby preparation

It only takes a few days to set up a fund for baby's arrival. All you have to do is create the famous list and put it online. All you have to do is put it online in your "birth fund" account. We've made it easy for you to do just that. It starts with the creation of the account, the integration of the various recipients and the bank account. Then everything is done automatically. 

Don't forget to send an invitation to each participant. To be really original, send a nice letter with links and everything. It's the same as for a wedding or engagement. Alternatively, there's always e-mail or other modern means of communication. This would save time and money on clothes, slippers, diapers... 

With an online kitty, the announcement will probably be made by e-mail. The site sends an e-mail to each participant indicating the procedure to follow. The sending of the invitation, like the thank-you card at checkout, will also be automated. You'll have nothing more to do until the account is closed. 

Would you like your friends and family to make a contribution to your baby's arrival? Instead of a baby shower, consider a special birth fund. This can be done online and is open to everyone. The Babypoom app offers you a place if you choose this alternative. A great option after all!
